4 Top Ways to Diversify
Your EDR Cybersecurity Strategy

Lessons Learned from the CrowdStrike Outage and Other Cyber Incidents

Why Diversification Isn't Just For Your Stock Portfolio


Businesses are increasingly facing cyber events that can significantly disrupt their operations. Nowadays, the distinction between business disruption caused by an IT incident and a malicious attack is virtually nonexistent.


In this eBook, we examine the primary concerns that have emerged from the CrowdStrike incident and recent attacks from the perspectives of CISOs and CIOs, providing you with practical advice and recommendations for managing them:


  Threat exposure & system vulnerabilities

  Business continuity

  Future preparedness

  Vendor & software supply chain risk


Download the eBook to learn how a diversified endpoint detection and response strategy for server workloads could help prevent or minimize these threats and business disruption.

  Organizations are...relying entirely on one architecture, one vendor, and they don’t have any kind of diversity or heterogeneity in their environment — if something catastrophic were to happen to that one basket, they basically lack a rapid path to recovery. So a resilient operation is an operation

that by design, is going to have some heterogeneity and some diversity built into it......We don’t have an easy ability to do it when it comes to endpoint security. So how can we start thinking about ways where it’s simpler for customers to be able to introduce that kind of diversity within their endpoint protection stack?

~ Sophos CEO Joe Levy

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