Virsec Solutions

Protect Windows 2019 from Ransomware

Legacy Workloads Don't Need to Pose Risk

Do you have Windows 2019 running in your environment that can't be patched?

Embracing digital transformation while retaining legacy systems doesn’t have to come at a huge cost or pose a significant risk to an organization. Virsec extends a Zero Trust approach to protecting legacy and server workloads as effectively as modern platforms — economically and for good.

Secure Windows 2019 Workloads and Applications Instantly

Legacy systems no longer need to be left behind. 
True Zero Trust workload protection capabilities continuously address known and unknown vulnerabilities in Windows 2019, which is no longer supported or patched. Now, IT is no longer left to find individuals with enough expertise to develop custom fixes to address troublesome vulnerabilities in technologies that vendors have replaced or put to rest. The Virsec Security Platform (VSP) provides protection that makes age inconsequential without tuning, prior knowledge, or access to code.

Protect Windows 2019 from Ransomware Breaches

Ransomware typically infiltrates through common attack vectors including exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities, remote desktop access, phishing, and credential abuse. Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) has become a well-established criminal market, making it easy for attackers to access exploit services. 
Adversaries have gotten much faster at exploiting new vulnerabilities, with attacks surfacing merely hours after a new vulnerability is announced. Per SANS, unpatched vulnerabilities are some of the biggest and first attack vectors adversaries use. 

Fileless malware, frequently used by attackers, easily evades traditional detection and response solutions, often by deploying malicious code directly into memory. Use of Living-off-the-land binaries (lolbins) is another technique used successfully to evade detection. After infiltrating a victim’s systems, attackers increasingly exfiltrate data before encrypting it to create “double extortion,” which is a threat to publicly release stolen information and crippling business systems. Ransomware groups have increased their impact by targeting cloud infrastructures to exploit known vulnerabilities in cloud applications, virtual machines, and VM orchestration software (CISA Report, 2021). Organizations are looking to stop ransomware threats ideally instantly at runtime and reduce dwell time to near zero while also seeking better operational efficiencies such as fewer false positives.

Ransomware demands were up by 144% in 2021

Ransomware has become one of the most prevalent attack types globally, doubling in frequency annually (Verizon DBIR 2021). 37% of global organizations said they were victims of a ransomware attack in 2021 (IDC 2021 Ransomware Study).


VSP minimizes risk even when you:

  • Are unable to conduct vulnerability assessments to identify weaknesses & what needs fixing.
  • Are unable to remove any unused applications and services.
  • Cannot create rules and policies to help securely govern your systems.
  • Cannot update your operating systems.
  • Are unable to ensure your antivirus solution is up to date where support is still offered.
  • Cannot maintain layer 5 and 7 network-level attack defenses, including host-based intrusion prevention software policies and application firewall.

Virsec Security Platform vs Leading EDR

100% Passed
Inconsistent Protection
Failed Protection 

Virsec Security Platform

100% 0Prevention

Leading EDR

42% 8Prevention

Virsec Security Platform

Leading EDR


Command Line Interface
Executable Binary


Create Account

Privilege Escalation

Process Injection

Defense Evasion

Hide Artifacts
Signed Binary Proxy Executable
Process Injection

Credential Dumping

Credential Dumping


Software Discovery
System Network Configuration
System Network Connection
System Owner / User Discovery


Automated Collection
Data from Local System


Inhibit System Recovery
Account Access Removal
Data Encrypted for Impact

Zero Trust Protection

The most modern of solutions, zero trust protection of application workloads, takes a fundamentally different approach. Virsec Map automatically maps authorized processes, scripts, and libraries for the application workload and Virsec Enforce continuously enforces the mapping to maintain zero trust provenance and integrity of the dependencies. This mapping spans multiple layers, including the host filesystem, executables, and their libraries, memory, and web requests. By knowing exactly what is allowed at each layer, any malicious behavior is stopped instantly at runtime, thus reducing dwell time to milliseconds. This has proven to be highly effective at stopping modern threats that use advanced techniques such as fileless attacks, process hollowing, buffer overflow attacks, and SQL injection. 

In fact, deterministic protection blocks more attacks on the MITRE Software Weaknesses and OWASP Top Ten lists than any other type of solution. Most remarkably, this approach can even protect unpatched systems. Another significant benefit is the drastic reduction in false positives. 

Virsec Capabilities

Reduce Noise

Other solutions that rely on analysis generate so many false positive alerts that it overwhelms teams. With a positive security model and automated allow listing, you can protect legacy systems AND avoid all the alert fatigue.

Reduce Risk

Legacy applications and workloads present an open and highly vulnerable attack surface to cyber criminals. Install continuous protection for host operating systems and applications with Virsec mitigating security controls to protect legacy environments.

Reduce Cost

There are few alternatives to reducing cyber risk from legacy workloads:
(1) pay large amounts for Extended Security Updates (ESUs) and one-off security patches,
(2) do nothing or
(3) explore Virsec's mitigating controls. Option 3 delivers the highest level of protection at the most affordable investment level.
Read Our Buyer's Guide for Zero-Trust Application Workload Protection

Learn More about Virsec’s Protection for Windows 2019